Tuesday, February 24, 2009

a sad performance

pernah tak you all rase macam it was the worse day in your life....rasa macam ape yg korang usahakan selama ini tak berbaloi....tak berbaloi bukan sebab tak berusaha tapi atas sebab teknikal...

seriously mmg mengecewakan ye tak....tp tue la yg jadi pd group aku utk language day ari tue where our performanced was really a failure...maybe not for others but it was for me....everything gone wrong when the notebook cannot connect with the projector and the sound system was awful...aku bukan ape, kesian dgn sound & animation director kitorang yg penat wat montage & sound effect but last sekali tak dapat nak guna mase lakonan....our performance really depend on that but.....so everthing was a mess....aturan semua lari...timing dah tak betul...you just imagine that after the show, some of us just sat on the floor at the lobby like baca tahlil....

we had been practicing for the whole week where at some point, i arrived home at 12.30 in the morning....the make-up was terrific plus the props....despite of no commitment at all from some of my classmate where i really cant understand why (it like they have a family or children to attend to)....i think it was a good performance....but hei we got no 3rd place (not bad aaaa)....

it was a new experiance for me (REALLY!!!!)....

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