Thursday, February 26, 2009

eyes wide open

this building ade 30 floor....from up here i can see a lot of things.....KLCC, AmBank Buliding....Hotel Maya and a lot more tall tall building around me right now....and also i can see AKLEH right in front of me huhu.....that's why i suke lepak kat floor 14 (library) or 20 (most of my class were at this floor) and of course near to a window...dulu dekat kampung mane la ade nampak bangunan tinggi2 nih hari2....paling tinggi pun rasenye 3 ke 4 tingkat je....Office i dulu pun ade level ground je and my shop ade 2 tingkat....tue pun kire abis gayat laaa.....

but then i just remember that dulu kitorang stay kat apartment at level 4...mase memule masuk dulu aku takut betul nak berdir kat takes around 1 year for me to be brave hehehehehe.....but now it doesn't matter rutin is going up and down everyday since the lecture hall, library and lab is in different floor....sometimes it take more than 10 minutes juz ti switch have to walk and wait for the lift and pushing people to get in the lift and then walk again to other class...but then now i think i', getting used to i walk faster and i think i had lost a few pounds tooo hehehehe (not confirmed yet)....

next week will be UNIKL mid-term a lot of job waiting for me back at home....had to go to SSM to renew our company registration and i think i want to setup a new one too, maybe i will setup our new shop if the owner let me, maybe i will conduct classes for orang kampung yang nak blajo Office 2007 (they already booked me) and i will be one of the judges for MySkills Competition 2009 for IT Software Application at ILP Kuala Langat (nasib baik my big boss approved)....a quite pack week where i suppose to relax myself and take care my family....

gonna get kimi a new bike this weekend...gonna bring them jalan2 (maybe to impiana morib)...gonna sleep with ryan....hmm x sabar nak tunggu next week....OH NO! TOMORROW ADE TEST MICRO-P...nak study la plak....hehehe

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

it's raining outside

lately KL dah mule asyik hujan je...agak susah nak bergerak sebab aku still naik bas and lrt to everyday i will pray that i sempat naik bas to klang before it start raining...yesterday it had been raining heavily in the evening...lencun aku sementara nak naik bas...nasib baik beg ada double layer but still notebook aku sejuk....agaknye kalo bley menggigil dah lame bergegar dah beg nie....nak complain banyak2 pun x boley sebab agama mengajar kita HUJAN ITU MEMBAWA RAHMAT...hopefully it will wash away all the bad things happening in our country lately....politics yg tak stabil, everybody berebut kuasa, kes jenayah yg semakin meningkat & whatsoever yg mengotorkan pemandangan mata aku nih....

when its raining, people will flock together nak elak basah...they will share their umbrella & i think it is great because it shows that we malaysian can live together despite our differences...


i think its gonna rain again this evening....

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

a sad performance

pernah tak you all rase macam it was the worse day in your life....rasa macam ape yg korang usahakan selama ini tak berbaloi....tak berbaloi bukan sebab tak berusaha tapi atas sebab teknikal...

seriously mmg mengecewakan ye tue la yg jadi pd group aku utk language day ari tue where our performanced was really a failure...maybe not for others but it was for me....everything gone wrong when the notebook cannot connect with the projector and the sound system was awful...aku bukan ape, kesian dgn sound & animation director kitorang yg penat wat montage & sound effect but last sekali tak dapat nak guna mase lakonan....our performance really depend on that everthing was a mess....aturan semua lari...timing dah tak just imagine that after the show, some of us just sat on the floor at the lobby like baca tahlil....

we had been practicing for the whole week where at some point, i arrived home at 12.30 in the morning....the make-up was terrific plus the props....despite of no commitment at all from some of my classmate where i really cant understand why (it like they have a family or children to attend to)....i think it was a good performance....but hei we got no 3rd place (not bad aaaa)....

it was a new experiance for me (REALLY!!!!)....

Friday, February 20, 2009

xie xie lao shi

so boring sampai terpaksa produce this blog....why???....maybe i juz wanna jot something (kalo ikutkan aku x la reti sgt nak blogging nie ape lg menulis something meaningful) i take it as a way to xpress something....maybe i can maybe i can't....dunno yet....

life bertambah boring apabila terpaksa berjauhan dgn family.....i dkt KL meanwhile my family dkt serting....i miss them so much....wish i never have to do this....wish i will always be with them back home....i really miss them....mama, eman, qimie, yanie & ryan.....maybe that is one of the reason why i tak pegi surrey dulu....sebab terpaksa tinggalkan diorang...

pagi td aku ade kelas mandarin as always....first time la aku rase best blajo bahase baru...sekejap je 2 jam kelas tue...i always wanted to learn new language...the one i have been dream of is FRENCH tp kat unikl nie dah xde french lesson anymore....a bit frustrated la....lps puas tunggu kelas seterusnya at 2.30pm, skali kelas cancel plak....bende nie yg wat aku tension blajo kat unikl....selalu kelas xde....then macam mane nak aku redha je la....maybe ade hikmah di sebalik sume nih....
petang nie ade taklimat loan MARA for new students (me!) ade listed utk taklimat tp bile sampai mase the documents utk kitorang staff GIATMARA xde plak...skali lagi frust dgn management unikl...aku pening la camne...MACAM MANA MELAYU NAK MAJU...benda sekecil nie pun x bleh nak handle...GAYA number wahid but inside there..EMPTY...but still i have faith in them...
malam nie aku ade practice pantomime for language day besok....dah jadi macam bebudak dah aku nih...besok kene perform the best for my grade utk tech com....bukan slalu dpt tgk org tue nie blajo ye tak....hehehehehe